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KINDLE  : #1 Digital Book Reader!

Kindle Digital Book ReaderToday’s awesome gadget recommendation comes to your courtesy of….My MOM! :-)
Yes, my very low tech and proud to be that way mom, went and bought a KINDLE, Amazon’s new Digital Book Reader. She did originally buy it for me because as she tells me frequently, I need to “turn off the damn computer and go read a real book!”
Before she gave it to me she decided to play with it for a few days. That was two weeks ago and the Kindle is no longer for me. Mom loves it, so she’s keeping it! She did let me borrow it for a few days so I could see for myself what an ‘amazing gizmo‘ (her word) it is.
I’ve read e-books for years on my computers, my various Palm’s, and Sony’s readers so I figured what’s the big deal about another reader tool. Whoa, was I wrong! None of the other Digital Book Readers offer what the Kindle does. With the Kindle, Amazon has brought the ebook into mainstream.
The first thing you notice is that it’s lightweight and about the size of an average paper- back book. Kindle’s screen provides a crisp appearance that is due to a new high-resolution display technology called electronic paper. This is a major advancement! I think it’s actually clearer and easier on the eye than the printed word AND it has none of the strain and glare associated with a computer screen. (you can even read it in direct sunlight, which is totally impossible on a computer!)
Kindle : #1 Digital Book ReaderA feature that really impressed my mother was the ability to increase the text size of the book or periodical. I was impressed by the fact that Kindle doesn’t require a computer, cables,or syncing. It’s wireless and works like an advanced cell phone. And there’s no wireless setup, no service plans, no yearly contracts. Amazon pays for all of Kindle’s wireless connectivity, so NO monthly wireless bills! How about that?!
You can shop the Kindle Store directly from your Kindle, choose from over 225,000 available books, buy a book and have it auto-delivered in less than a minute. The cost of Best Sellers and New Releases is ONLY $9.99, which is way less than what you would pay for a ‘real book’ in a real book store. You can subscribe to U.S.and international newspapers and magazines and have content delivered while you’re sleeping and, read more than 1000 top blogs which are updated throughout the day.
You can also Email Word docs. and pics to Kindle. This is a ‘biggee’ for me since I spend so much time in airports waiting for my flights. I can pull the Kindle out of my purse and catch up on business without having to use my laptop.
Digital Book ReaderA few more great features: Kindle holds over 200 titles, but if you want to make room for new titles, a copy of every book you’ve ever purchased is backed up online by Amazon in Your Personel Media Library, just in case you ever need to download it again.
The Kindle isn’t perfect but for a first generation product it ain’t half bad! Go ahead and buy one now, there’s a lot this gadget can do. And there’s something else the Kindle offers.
If my mother’s response is typical, this tool bridges the high-tech, low-tech gap. It’s a painless introduction to the technological world we now live in for people like my mother who think they don’t like technology!
In fact, go buy your own mother a Kindle! I know she’ll love it and I bet she’ll stop bugging you about all those computer games you play! :)
You’ll find all the information you need here:
KINDLE : #1 Digital Book Reader